
Tackling the Impossible


Herculean Litigation Solutions

Expert Class Action Consultants

We are dedicated to doing what others say cannot be done, uncovering what others say cannot be found, untangling what others say cannot be unknotted.  

With over two decades of expertise in Class Actions, Damage Calculations, and Data Analysis, we at Herculean Litigation Solutions conquer the challenges that seem insurmountable. 

There are no impossible tasks, there are simply ones that require greater strength, greater intelligence, greater creativity—tasks that are herculean.  

While we may not know the details, we know the nature of the path before us: it is long, winding, paved with jagged rocks, covered in shadows, and enveloped in uncertainty. We look forward to walking the unknown with you.


Our Principal, Matthew E. Pohl, has built a national reputation as a leading data analytics expert with a unique breadth of experience that spans litigation analytics, complex big data analytics, class action administration, and enterprise data warehousing.


Areas of Practice

Class Action Expert

Be better prepared for litigation, discovery, and settlement negotiations by engaging our class action team and benefiting from our breadth of experience with the entire class action administration process.

Damages Expert

We have the technical skills, litigation experience, communication abilities, and data analysis capabilities necessary to develop a robust, defendable damage model to support your case.

Data Expert

Our unique combination of experience with computer systems, data analysis, and business allows us to consult with plaintiff and defense counsel to determine what data is relevant, identify the potential sources, and communicate with technical resources to efficiently produce the information in a usable format.



Hear what others are saying about working with Herculean Litigation Solutions.



Read summaries of cases where HLS has served as the class action, damages, or data expert.

Gain a Key Advantage in Your Class Action Lawsuit

Class action lawsuits are highly complex and involve large amounts of data that’s not always easily obtained or clearly understood. When you rely on an expert to help gather and analyze data used to assess damages, how do you know if the methods being used are optimal? Are you getting the most accurate findings? Will the methods selected have ramifications on settlement negotiations and class administration? Fill out the form to access a free PDF that explains how to gain a key advantage in your class action lawsuit.


Her·cu·le·an | adj. | \ˌhər-kyə-ˈlē-ən, hər-ˈkyü-lē-ən

1: of, relating to, or characteristic of Hercules
2: of extraordinary power, extent, intensity, or difficulty