

Class Action Expert


Your Expert for Class Action Lawsuits

The Challenges of Class Action Lawsuits

Class action lawsuits are complex, high-risk cases that have significant impact on both parties. Whether the case has just been filed, is in heated litigation regarding class certification, or is approaching potential settlement, retaining an expert with vast experience in all phases of class actions can prepare your side for the best possible outcome.

Our team has been providing consulting, expert, and administrative services for class actions for over two decades. We have extensive experience in the roles of consultant, expert, special master, and class administrator. Our independence is demonstrated by the fact that our historical clientele is split evenly between defense and plaintiff counsel. 

As class action experts, courts and the parties have relied on our opinions regarding class member identification, class certification and manageability issues, settlement administration complexities and issue resolution, notice program designs, and class benefit allocation methodologies. 

Be better prepared for litigation, discovery, and settlement negotiations by engaging our class action team and benefiting from our breadth of experience with the entire class action administration process. 

Solutions for Class Action Lawsuits

We are retained as a consultant or expert by defense and plaintiff counsel in state and federal matters. Our engagements provide a wide range of deliverables that include:

  • Consulting with parties early in a class litigation to preview potential range of damages

  • Consulting and opining as an expert on class certification

  • Preparing counsel on potential settlement structures, notice programs, and overall settlement costs

  • Consulting and opining as an expert on class manageability

  • Identifying sources of data and analyzing such data to determine class members

  • Performing research to locate class members

  • Consulting and opining as an expert on class notice program methods and designs

  • Providing guidance on estimating class participation rates


Our team has an unmatched level of expertise and experience in class actions:

  • Our Principal, Matthew Pohl, was one of the founders and President of a nationally-awarded class administration firm, Class Action Administration, Inc. (CAA). He has been involved with class action litigation and settlement administration for over 20 years.

  • Mr. Pohl and members of the Herculean team have managed over 300 class action settlements, ranging in size from hundreds to millions of class members.

  • Mr. Pohl has been appointed as Class Administrator in numerous federal and state jurisdictions.

  • Mr. Pohl has been appointed Special Master in multiple cases involving complex class settlement structures. In this role, he was responsible for developing settlement allocation methodologies, notice programs, administration details, and resolving claim disputes.

Case Summaries

I have worked with [Mr. Pohl] on a number of class action settlements, and each of my experiences over the course of a number of years has been exceptional.
Over the past 30 years I have used several different entities to administer settlement distributions to class members. None have come close to the performance of [Mr. Pohl’s firm].
I have absolutely no hesitation recommending Matt Pohl as an expert in class action data compilation and analysis. Matt’s expertise was instrumental in helping us decipher literally hundreds of thousands of data entries from a major retailer’s POS system, which in turn allowed us to efficiently focus our discovery efforts, and ultimately expose weaknesses which led to a very favorable class settlement. I was particularly impressed with Matt’s willingness to make himself available to attend depositions and strategy conferences on short notice. On top of that, Matt and his staff were able to ‘work their magic’ substantially under budget.

Let’s Talk

Contact us today to discuss how Herculean Litigation Solutions can partner with you on your class action lawsuit.