


Military Retiree State Tax

A class action was brought against the State of Colorado alleging unconstitutional taxation of military retiree pensions.  The Colorado Department of Revenue (DOR) proposed that the effort to review tax returns filed on microfilm, recalculation of taxes, and issuance of tax refunds would take over 90 man-years to complete.  Mr. Pohl designed and oversaw the process by which all tax returns filed with the State over a 5-year period and stored on thousands of microfilm reels were reviewed to determine class eligibility and have necessary amounts from the hand-written tax returns data entered.  Mr. Pohl’s team developed the software necessary to calculate the amount over taxed.  He also worked with the DOR to create a method to electronically file an amended return for class members so that the State’s tax records properly reflected the adjustment.  The project was completed in less than 10 months. 

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